"New Wastewater Summer Billing Policy" notice, Jeffersonville, IN

I received this mailed notice sometime in the last week.  It states, and I quote:

The City of Jeffersonville has implemented a new wastewater adjustment billing policy.  Effective immediately residential sewer customers will no longer receive an automatic adjustment for higher water usage during the summer months.  The new policy gives sewer customers two options for summer relief" 1.) you may apply for a summer sewer rate agreement and you will be billed $61.04 per month for sewer usage for the remainder of the summer (June, July and August); or 2) You may purchase a separate water meter for irrigation systems and/or outdoor spigots.
 Visit the Sewer Billing Office located at the City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Room 104, Jeffersonville, IN to either purchase a water meter or apply for the waiver.  For more information, please call (812) 285-6418 or go to www.cityofjeff.net

This notice confuses me.  However before I move forward, allow me to say, I've been known to over think things.

1.) I've, at least not to my knowledge, never had a summer bill adjusted for higher usage.  So---why am I getting this?  OH--maybe it was mailed to all residents of Jeffersonville.  hmmm...Gosh, wonder how much that cost....???  Did my tax dollars pay that or wastewater budget?  See--my brain, it just keeps going.  Over thinking.

2.)Wonder what the old policy was?  Not that it matters.

3.) Correct me if I'm wrong--before said notice, they automatically adjusted your bill for higher usage.  Without asking or being asked.  That's really nice.  'Cause I know a lot of people with pools and they tell me how much it costs to fill it with water.  And from what I understand wasterwater (or sewer) bills are determined by the water bill.  More water, more flushing and waste.  Makes sense.  Anyways--its really cool that they offer the adjustment--and had been doing it automatically.

4.) Is wastewater and sewer the same thing?  Surely it is.  So--this is coming from "Jeffersonville Sewer Department"??? which sends me a bill every month.  I'm looking at that bill now. I don't see anything that refers to usage.  hmmm...???  Confused, but moving on...

5.)I've never sold a house with a pool, but I'm guessing they typically sell during the summer months.  Hope nobody's ever gotten stuck with the "automatically" adjusted amount?  Maybe that's one reason for the change.

6.)I've already had two people I know ask me about this bill.  Neither have a pool.  Both were confused by the notice.

In conclusion, I think it's a great that the option is available.  However, I'm not sure it was communicated clearly.

So since it's 5:57PM and I'm well aware that city offices are closed, I decided to blog about it.  I'll pop into City Hall this week and see if I can get further info.  It's just down the street from our home.  I might ride my bicycle. :)

Stay tuned. Thanks for getting in my brain for a bit. LOL!  Hope you enjoyed the ride!


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